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We Stand for Life

Defending our air, water, communities, and wild places requires more than a single voice.

Get Involved

Every action counts. Together, we can create a safer and more compassionate world for animals and humans

People + Animals

Manmaitree Sewa Foundation

Is dedicated to raising awareness about stray and orphaned animals and finding solutions to their challenges.

Animal Welfare and Biodiversity

We honor every animal’s intrinsic value and recognize our role in protecting biodiversity by ensuring the well-being of stray and orphaned animals.

Fighting for Animals & Humanity

Our work intersects with broader social justice issues. By caring for animals, we contribute to a more compassionate society.

Compassion and Integrity

Every decision we make impacts the animals and the environment. We strive to act with integrity and compassion in all our efforts.

Community Partnerships

We collaborate with local and frontline communities to effectively address the needs of stray and orphaned animals.

Systemic Change

We challenge neglect towards animals and work towards systemic changes to improve their welfare and protection.

Join Us

Become One Of Our Growing Family Of Volunteers To Protect Animals.

Latest News

There is always something going on in the world. We provide only verified information. Stay informed about latest events and changes

Financial Contributions

Your Gift, Their Lifeline

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Donation Total: ₹10.00
